Tuvalu presented its initial report on the
situation of the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in
the country. The 2nd to 5th periodic reports are expected
by October 2017.
IBFAN did not present any report.
Discussion on infant and young child feeding
Committee did not enlarge on the issue of breastfeeding. The delegation of
Tuvalu simply mentioned the fact that breastfeeding was actively encouraged,
especially among young mothers.
Concluding Observations
In its Concluding Observations, the CRC
Committee made recommendations on promoting the implement of breastfeeding programmes.
Regarding breastfeeding, the CRC Committee recognized that Tuvalu has adopted
national policy on breastfeeding and has designated Princess Margaret Hospital
as a baby-friendly hospital. However, the Committee gave concern on the brief
duration of breastfeeding. It therefore recommended Tuvalu to: “undertake specific measures to promote exclusive breastfeeding up to the
age of 6 months, including by providing training to all health workers and
introducing legal measures to control the marketing and promotion of artificial
infant formula” (para 53-54).
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