The situation of children’s rights in Guinea-Bissau
has been reviewed by the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC Committee) at
its 63rd session, on June 7th 2013.
IBFAN presented an alternative report on the country situation vis-à-vis
infant and young child feeding. The report shows how, although improving, breastfeeding rates are still insufficient:
only 38% of infants were exclusively breastfed for 6 months in 2010, and in
2012 72% of babies were initiated to breast within one hour from birth, while
the introduction of complementary food is not timely for more than half of
Inadequate breastfeeding practices contribute
to the high child and maternal mortality
rates in Guinea-Bissau, where 9% of children die before their first year of
life. Breastfeeding promotion activities
took place in the country thanks to international cooperation partners, however
projects are expiring this year and the country does not have the means to
maintain them on its own.
Maternity protection
at work is another challenge
for Guinea-Bissau, where maternity leave is as short as 2 months and the
relative benefits are paid by the employer, situation which carries the risk of
generating a discriminatory effect against women, as employers may want to
avoid paying such benefits.

Other issues debated at the session included a
wide range of topics: child adoption, juvenile justice, birth registration,
infanticide, paedophilia, violence against children, child labour, children in
street situation, education, child marriage and children with disabilities.
The dialogue between Guinea-Bissau and the
Committee has been very collaborative and the country delegation was well aware
of Guinea-Bissau’s shortcoming in realizing children’s rights in the country;
however it stressed that due to financial constraints many improvements are not
achievable at the moment.
well written. Babies who are breast fed are more likely to stay away from many diseases.