presented its consolidated 3rd and
4th periodic report on
the situation of the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the
Child. The next consolidated 5th to
6th periodic report is
expected by March 2019. The Chinese delegation was
composed of 44 members headed by H.E. Mr. Guide Jia, Deputy Director-General at
the Department of Treaty and Law and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In view of the session, IBFAN presented an alternative report on the situation of infant and young child feeding in China,
prepared by IBFAN East-Asia. The report shows that in China breastfeeding
declined rapidly during the 1980s due to the promotion of breastmilk
substitutes and inappropriate medical practices. With the implementation of
BFHI since 1992 and of national regulation on the marketing of breastmilk
substitutes (China’s Regulation) since 1995, breastfeeding’s superiority
has been recognized and mothers are encouraged and supported to breastfeed
their infants. However, breastfeeding promotion in community and work place has
not yet received enough attention. One of the challenges regards the popularity
of formula feeding and persistence of inadequate feeding practices related to
giving water to infants 0-5 months. Another challenge is how to ban the
marketing promotion of infant formula which undermines mothers’ confidence on
successful breastfeeding. It is difficult for health authorities to supervise,
conduct training and reassessments of the baby-friendly health facilities in
China given the great number of concerned facilities (over 60 thousands).
Finally, it is hard to ensure mothers’ entitlement to paid maternal leave and
breastfeeding facilities, especially during the rapid social and live style
charging in China.
on infant and young child feeding

With regards to HIV and AIDS, the CRC
Committee asked if there is any programme protecting young people and mothers.
The Chinese delegation answered that the government
had implemented a project of HIV prevention and that to date, around 90,000
HIV-positive pregnant women have accessed appropriate services. This has led to
a decrease of mother-to-child transmission rate.
Concluding Observations
In its Concluding Observations, the CRC Committee made recommendations on promoting
exclusive breastfeeding, BFHI and on adopting the International Code of
Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes. The Committee also mentioned the
importance of respecting child rights in relation to the business sector.
Regarding breastfeeding in particular, the CRC Committee was concerned “about the decrease in the exclusive
breastfeeding and the incidents of contaminated infant formula in mainland
China” (para 64). It strongly recommended that the government of mainland
China: “(a)
Intensify its efforts to reform laws and strengthen
implementation of regulations on food and health safety standards,
including for business sector and ensure that any officials or companies
violating international and national environment and health standards are appropriately sanctioned and remedies
provided when violations occur; (b) Collects systematic data on children
affected and take all measures to ensure that all children and their families
have access to effective redress, including free medical treatment and adequate
compensation; (d) Promote exclusive
breastfeeding and the establishment of Baby-Friendly Hospitals and adopt a Code
of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes with appropriate controls on the marketing of artificial infant formula” (para 64-65)
In relation to Health and health services, the Committee recommends that “mainland China strengthen its efforts to
address, as matter of urgency, the existing disparities in health outcomes and
resource allocations in order to ensure that all children enjoy the same access
to and quality of health services, paying special attention to children in
vulnerable situations, especially children living in poverty and rural areas
and children of migrant workers. In particular, it recommends that mainland
China take all measures to eliminate
child and maternal mortality, including by improving health infrastructure
and the availability and accessibility to emergency obstetric and neonatal care and skilled birth attendants
at primarily health facilities in rural and poor areas.” (para 62)
Committee, in its General Comment 16 (2013), specifically calls on States “to implement and enforce internationally
agreed standards concerning children’s rights, health and business including
the [...] International Code of
Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes and relevant subsequent World Health
Assembly resolutions”.
The Committee
drew attention of China to its general comment no. 16 in the recommendations
related to Child Rights and the business
sector. It recommended to mainland
China to strengthen the implementation of regulations in order to ensure that
the business sector respects international and national human rights and
complies with labour, environment and with child rights in particular. The
CRC Committee therefore recommended that mainland China: “(c)
Establish monitoring requirements for all industries to undertake assessments,
consultations, and full public disclosure of the environmental, health-related
and human rights impacts of their business activities and their plans to
address such impacts; and (d) Investigate and hold accountable government
officials, including local officials, suspected of failing to uphold
environmental regulations or preventing people from accessing information or
medical care, and ensure that children and their families have immediate and
full access to effective and medically approved treatment and long-term
remedies, including rehabilitation services and compensation” (para 22-23).
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